Marketing Resources
Resources to Promote Your Associations Participation | #NationalEthicsDayBegin promoting your participation in National Real Estate Ethics Day® and invite your members to your viewing event with the help of our customizable design files.
While we offer a variety of formats to make these files easy to work with, we think you will find Canva a helpful tool in combination with our resources to create custom invitations, flyers, and posts. We recommend Eventbrite free event management tools: create your event listing page, registration, tickets, facebook integration, email reminders, etc.
Encourage all your members to join the Ethics conversation on our Facebook page at @NationalCodeofEthicsDay
and hashtag your Ethics posts with #NationalEthicsDay!
Promote Your Association Event and Invite Your Members
Using These Customizable Canva Templates!
Canva is FREE and easy to use right on your laptop or mobile device!
Don’t have Canva?
Create your FREE Canva account and then click on the template links below to customize your Ethics Day marketing.

Facebook/Web Banners – Ready for 2025!

Event Flyers / Invitations- Ready for 2025!

Social Media Story Graphics- Ready for 2025!

Social Media Post Graphics- Ready for 2025!

Logo Files – Variety

Certification of Completion

CE Certification Files (3 & 4 hr)
** Video for your Member Event Promotions! **
Invite your members to join your local event with the help of Leigh’s videos!
Download videos to upload directly to your Association’s social media channels.
Add the video to your email invitations or social media posts.
(704) 507 - 5500